Personal: Nostalgic Makeup With Personal Stories

nostalgic makeup

I thought I would do something a bit different for today’s post. It’s funny how inanimate objects can hold such memories. I feel like makeup has a very special way of doing this based on wearing it for special events or for us beauty lovers, just having it in your collection at a certain time. I have five products that have a special story behind them. Hope this is a way for you to get to know me a bit better as well!

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Review: Fancii Tria Tri-Fold Vanity Mirror

fancii tria tri fold mirror

My beauty room is really coming along and I can’t wait to show you in a full post soon! Today though, I have a small part of the room, my mirror! Fancii (the same company that sent me the Rhea Facial Brush) also generously sent through the Tria Tri Fold Mirror when they heard I was setting up a beauty room. I’ve always used my full dresser mirror at my parents house, but now that I have a full desk set up, a tabletop mirror was necessary!

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Declutter: Lip Products

We have finally come to the last post in my declutter series! I saved the mother load for last, lip products. I have (or feel like I have) a crazy amount of lip products, but I feel that’s with everyone. They are so easy to pick up and collect with all the finishes and colours! My picture above is one of my many keep piles, but I also was able to declutter quite a bit as well!

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Makeup Look: Stila Shimmer, Glitter and Glow!

new stila makeup

Stila is a brand that I feel like I haven’t used in forever. I’ve been meaning to try the Stila Liquid Eyeshadows (mostly because they look so good on Chelle) and Kitten is one of my favourite colours from a brand. I just haven’t picked up anything from them recently! I have a few new-to-me Stila items that I put together in a look. I have mini reviews on them too, so let’s get into it!

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First Impressions: Urban Decay Born to Run Palette (Swatches)

urban decay born to run palette

When I was closing on my house, the last thing I was thinking about was new makeup. And during that time, there were no releases that I got particularly excited about. Except this one. When I first saw the Urban Decay Born to Run palette I was instantly pulled in. I love that it had an even amount of mattes, metallics, neturals and colours! I can wait to show you my thoughts!

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Declutter: Foundation and Concealer

foundation declutter

I would consider foundation one of my most important items in my routine. It was one of my ‘gateway’ items for makeup and I love the variety that’s on the market. Foundation is one category that I actually purged a lot of! And a lot of really good items too! It was mostly due to the shade match which is super unfortunate! I can’t wait to also show you my concealer collection! (spoiler alert, I kept all of them…!)

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