Best of Beauty 2016

Hello friends!! It’s pretty unreal to believe that it’s already the first day of 2017. As with all years, there were ups, downs, peaks and valleys. This can especially be true of the beauty world!! Today I thought I would do a recap of some of my favourite items throughout the year. These aren’t necessarily products that came out this year, but items I’ve been loving/ discovered during 2016!

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Haul: ColourPop Black Friday Sale

colourpop haul

One of the frenzied Black Friday purchases I made was from ColourPop. It’s been quite a while since I purchased from the brand just because the Canadian dollar has been so bad lately (my last ColourPop haul can be seen here). I wasn’t planning to make a purchase on Black Friday, but I got the sale email and couldn’t resist. The lip products were 20% off  and I have been eyeing their metallic lips for some time. So…perfect excuse amirite?

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Mary Kay Satin Hands and Lip Sets

mary kay satin

Hello friends! I was recently stranded on a work trip in the north due to extreme weather conditions. While up there, one of the things I noticed first was how extremely dry and uncomfortable my skin was feeling. I actually got a nosebleed because it was just so dry there. It was a combination of the drying hotel soap and just the overall dry air. Long story short, winter is here and skin is dry.

Something I wish I had up on my trip was the Mary Kay “Satin” lines: Satin Hands and Satin Lips. If you’re like me and dry skin and lips aren’t your thing, these might be a great way banish it ’till summer!

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Haul: Sephora Sales


Hello friends! I’ve been waiting to post this for some time. First it was just what I picked up in the VIB sale, then Black Friday, and today I just got my order for the $25 off of $50 VIB Rouge coupon. My wallet has been busy and I thought I would just group it all into one big haul!

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Brand Collection: MyChelle Dermaceuticals Skincare


As I get older, one thing that I look further into is skincare. When MyChelle, a new skincare brand to Canada (which is now being sold at Shoppers Drug Mart’s Beauty Boutique) reached out, I was excited to look into it. MyChelle sent me four different products to try and I’m happy to now share my thoughts! I’ve been using these products for some time, (2 or so months) and I think I’ve definitely been able to formulate an opinion on them.

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BITE Beauty Mauvember 2015 vs. 2016

bite beauty mauvember

Hello! I recently posted about BITE and I’m at it again. This post will be fairly short, but it will be an overview of the 2015 versus 2016 BITE Mauvember shade in support of the Movember Foundation. I know when they announced the 2016 shade, I wasn’t sure if it was the same limited edition shade or different. As ‘mauve’ as they both are, I’m happy to report that they are in fact different!

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Review: BITE Beauty Holiday Amuse Bouche Duos (with Swatches)

bite beauty holiday duo

Hello! I was recently surprised by the gift of ALL of the new holiday BITE Beauty Amuse Bouche Duos. If you’ve been a reader of my blog for a while, you’ll know that I LOVE BITE. My friend Leah got them for my birthday and I probably squealed quite loud when I opened them up. After swatching and playing around with all of them a bit, I can provide my thoughts on each on.

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Empties: Finished a Foundation!


I feel like it’s been quite some time from my last empties and my bag was getting quite full! My star empty this time is a foundation! I think it’s actually the first time I’ve finished one. As usual, I have my plethora of makeup wipes!

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My Best Time and Money Saving Tips while at WALT DISNEY WORLD

disneyworld planning tips

Hello friends! I’ve been a bit MIA lately, but I think I had a pretty good reason! I just came back from a week long trip at Walt Disney World, the happiest place on earth. ;D I know Disney vacations are a hit or miss for people. I personally really enjoy them, but I know others who wish to spend their vacation money on something else. This was my third trip to Disney World, and I’d like to think I’ve picked up some tips in my travels. So if you’re interested in a Disney World vacation, hope I can provide some help!

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