ipsy: July 2014

Hello! 🙂 Back with a post!

So last month I decided to sign up for ipsy! I’ve been thinking about a beauty subscription service for a while and decided to take the plunge.

Here’s what’s in my first bag!

1. The Bag

I love it! I think it’s so cute that you get a bag every month and can definitely see myself re-using this one. It’s made out of a faux shiny leather with a scalloped detail on the edge. The picture doesn’t do it justice, this bag is NEON pink. Super cute!

2. wHet Nail Polish in Facetious

I was happy to receive this. I actually don’t have a colour even close to this. In person, it ends up coming off a lot darker which I like. The nail polish isn’t the best quality. It takes about 3 coats to become opaque and is a bit streaky. Still, an addition to the nail polish collection!

3. bareMinerals READY® Eyeshadow 2.0

Itty bitty mini eyeshadow! But still excited to try it! I’ve never tried bareMinerals eye shadow before. I did a few quick swatches and I like the cream colour, but I find the darker colour is a bit patchy.

4. Elizabeth Mott Tints & Sass

This reminds me of Benetint (cause it’s practically the same product :p). I’m interested to try this one. I did a little swatch and I think this would be a bit to much for the cheeks, but I can see myself using it on my lips. I like the artificial cherry scent actually, haha.

5. Hang Ten Dark Tanning Oil SPF 08

When I saw the ipsy preview posts, I was REALLY hoping I didn’t get this and got the sunscreen but unfortunately here it is. 🙁 I’m the opposite of a tanner and would have much preferred the sunscreen. I saw on the ipsy forum that some people were using it after shaving, in their hair, and on their skin after a shower. I will probably try these ideas as I would hate to not get ANY use out of it.

6.  POP Beauty Sunkissed Bronzer

Wasn’t super happy to receive this either. I don’t really normally use bronzer (and this one looks dark), but I was thinking of using it as maybe an eye shadow? I’ve heard of the pop beauty brand though, so I’m looking forward to testing the formula at least.

And there we go! My first bag. Honestly, I would say it’s meh. I wouldn’t say the worst, but not mind blowing! Excited to see what my ipsy future holds though!

Hope you have a great day! 🙂

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  1. I was never into using bronzers either until this year. Having 7 in your stash and barely using them seemed pretty wasteful, so I started doing some ~contouring~ LOL ._.
    Ugh, I love Bare Mineral's eyeshadows for the most part. SO SOFT, BUTTERY AND PIGMENTED. Too bad its like, near $40 for a quad 🙁

  2. Oh I know. I've sorta started using a mini hoola bronzer I got in the benefit advent calendar. Yes! I know exactly what you mean by the "contouring". ;D
    Yeah definitely pricey! I was glad to get these mini eye shadow to play around with though! 🙂 I'm excited to try some looks with them.

  3. Ipsy! I've been considering subscribing to Ipsy, because I think they're one of the few beauty subscriptions that doesn't bury you in skincare (which is useless for my sensitive skin) and foil packets. This bag looks awesome! I'm just on the fence because I feel like even two 'meh' boxes could have been a middle/higher end brand cosmetic that I'd be excited to try, lol. We'll see!

    ~nikki ('<>')>

  4. I know, that's exactly why I decided to subscribe. The dreaded foil packets! 🙁 I'm glad ipsy gives you products that you can actually get some use out of to see if you like it rather than a one use packet. You're very true in that 2 boxes are the price of a more high end product. I like the fact that I can cancel at any time though, so we'll see what other items I get in the future. Let me know if you end up taking the plunge! 🙂

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